The last two years have been an incredible challenge for everyone. At Citizens Advice Bristol, we have adapted from a service reliant on face-to-face contact with our clients, to supporting the local community completely remotely for the first time.

At the start of the pandemic, we moved to a phone-based service with the majority of staff and volunteers working from home. While there have been difficulties with this shift, we have been able to support around 900 people a month throughout lockdown.

As the UK starts to emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, we remain dedicated to keeping our clients, volunteers and staff members safe. Our offices are still closed to the public, but we are continuing to operate our service by phone until we can give face-to-face advice safely.

Until then, please contact our advice line if you need advice on benefits, debt, employment, housing or immigration or anything else.

Our Freephone advice line is open Monday – Friday 9.30 am – 4 pm 0808 278 7957

or via Textphone (for the hard of hearing) 0800 144 88 84

You can also access online advice on a variety of topics on the national Citizens Advice website