We have produced a number of toolkits for the Citizens Advice network which can be accessed below.
Consumer Complaints
Our 2017/18 project focused on the consumer complaints process. We looked specifically at how to make the process more inclusive of people who may find it more challenging due to problems with their mental health; the most commonly self-reported health issue among our clients. We created a toolkit for Local Citizens Advice offices to use when carrying out consumer education and empowerment activities in their local area.
Scam Calls
Our focus for 2016/17 was scam calls. Scam calls are a large problem in the UK and often target the most vulnerable people in our community. We want to reduce the number of people being affected by telephone scams. We created a toolkit to support Local Citizens Advice offices help understand the issues and raise awareness among the local community.
Getting started on Twitter
For 2015/16 our focus was on using digital tools for campaigning. As part of this work we created a social media starter pack. This resource focuses on Twitter and provides basic guidance on setting up an account and writing your first tweets. It contains lots of examples and practical advice from the perspective of a local Citizens Advice.