After working in marketing in commercial organisations, Phil moved to the not-for-profit sector during the economic recession of the early 1990s. Since then he has worked as an executive director, trustee, volunteer and freelance consultant in a range of charities and social enterprises including Oxfam, Bristol Energy Centre, Prince’s Trust, The Big Issue South West, Bristol Foyer and Bristol Citizens Advice. He currently manages Brandon Trust’s portfolio of social enterprises, which provide training and employment for people with learning disabilities.
His management experience includes business and strategic planning, organisational development and change management, fundraising, mergers, evaluations, research, and project and interim management. Phil was a Trustee and Chair of Bristol Foyer during its development and opening phases and led negotiations around its transfer to a housing association.
Phil joined the trustee board of Bristol Citizens Advice in 2003 at a time when the organisation was facing financial challenges and became Chair in 2004, before standing down to become Vice-Chair in 2016 having seen the organisation grow and develop its range of services and become more financially sustainable through broadening its funding base. Phil is also a Trustee of Caring in Bristol.
His Board interests are:
> Business planning to ensure the financial sustainability of the organisation
> Social Policy – the ability of Citizens Advice to change policy and practice at both national and local levels
> Addressing the increasing economic and social inequality in our society
> Maintaining and developing an advice service that meets the needs of all Bristol’s citizens, and in particular those individuals and communities who are the most marginalised
> Demonstrating the impact of the service
> Ensuring the service is resilient and demonstrates leadership in the advice sector, particularly in the face of funding cuts and regionalisation