
Getting Advice

There is currently no drop-in service for our Generalist advice service, so please call us 0808 278 7957 or use the webchat.
We’re giving advice over the phone and web chat, while reserving our face to face support for when it’s most needed.

If you need Cost of Living advice, we are providing a drop in service at various locations around the city. Please see locations and times here.

Contact us on our national advice line:
Freephone 0808 278 7957
Textphone (for the hard of hearing) 0800 144 88 84
Lines are open Monday – Thursday, from 9:30AM – 4:00pm

Friday From 9:30AM – 1:00PM

What can I expect when I call the advice line number?

Your call will be answered by an available assessor. They will give you a short interview so we can get an overview of your needs and decide on the most appropriate advice to meet them.  You will then be telephoned by one of our advisers. Our aim is that an advisor will call you within 3 working days depending on the urgency of the issue, although we are often able to contact you sooner than this. Please note that our advisors will be calling from withheld numbers and they will make three attempts at calling you, if you miss these calls you will have to get back in touch with us.